Toolkit for Practice
By One Hit Thunder
When coming to your first practice you will only need a few things in your toolkit. As time goes on you may want to add to your toolkit.
- Mouth guard
- Knee Pads (if you have them)
- Elbow Pads (if you have them)
- Wrist Guards (if you have them)
- Helmet (if you have one)
- Skates (if you have them)
- Water Bottle
- Willingness to Learn
- Ability to Listen
- Great Attitude
- Fun-loving Attitude
We have compiled a list of items found in many vets bags. Don’t run out and buy everything on this list, every skater likes different things.
Common gear includes:
- Combo Tool
- Allen Wrench Set
- Adjustable Wrench
- Bearing Tool
- Duct Tape
- Bandaids
- Deodorant
- Ibuprofen or other pain relievers
- Baby wipes for cleaning wheels
- Towel or Handkerchief for sweat
- Anti-Odor Spray or Device
- Dry Bag for wet clothes
- Water Bottle
You may also want to have the following spare items:
- Laces
- Mouth guard
- Tights/Leggings/Shorts
- Wheels and bearings
- Black & White shirts with name on the back
- Socks
- Hair ties
- Granola bar or Energy Chews
- Chap stick
Every skater likes different things, so do not run out and buy everything listed. If you ever find yourself needing something, just ask and chances are someone will have just what you are looking for.