Lovely Lethals 2024 women's season Champions The Lovely Lethals specialize in speed, sportsmanship, and sparkles. They’re fiercely loyal to each other and rumor has it they don’t get tired. Facebook-f Instagram CAPTAINS Queen of Hurts ✭ Captain Scarlet Fire ✭ Co-Captain THE TEAM Badonka BOOM! CrEmily Insane Critical Blitz Gore-ticia Addams Hollywound JamaLamaDingDong Killshot Mad M. Butterfly Micro Psycho Mighty Ducky Quantum Fury Rainbow Sherbhurt Snap Dragon Texas Outlaw The Nacemaker COACHES Coach Crop Top ✭ Head Coach Coach Smedium ✭ Asst Coach Coach Jorts ✭ Asst Coach CHECK OUT OUR UPCOMING EVENTS Heashots courtesy of: Team photo courtesy of: Champs photo courtesy of: